Happy Friday, friends! Today our Real Mom’s group is discussing Morning Routines. I don’t know about you but I always find it FASCINATING to hear how other people spend their days. It’s like a peek into someone’s life, sort of creepy when I put it that way, isn’t it? But I am really interested in finding out about how the other Mom’s in this group approach their morning routine. Are they sticklers for a time schedule or do they stay in their jammies indefinitely? I do get asked pretty frequently about my schedule and how I balance work etc. Well, I’m about to share all of the juicy, sleepy, coffee stained details of our morning routine with you and when I’m finished I’ll be linking up to the other Mom’s who are sharing theirs. There isn't a whole lot of "work" being done in my morning routine to be quite honest, but you will see a peek into my number one job, being a Mom.
So, first let me say that I am by no means a stickler, but I do try really hard to keep a basic routine and time schedule. Being a twin Mom means that having a schedule and routine is necessary to avoid loosing all sanity and for us, everything revolves around naps, meals and snack times, and of course bed. So here goes, my morning routine with the twins Monday through Thursday. Note: Jason is home on Fridays which means Daddy wakes up with the twins, the TV gets turned on, and there are usually cinnamon rolls…what can you do?
6:30/7:00 Wake-Up Call!
When you have twins, there is no such thing as one baby sleeping while the other is awake, especially at this age when quiet is a funny word. Usually Millie is the first to rise and with her, the whole household. We change diapers and head out to the living room to play.
7:00 Milk & Coffee
Do all toddlers wake up asking for milk and snacks? First things first, I get the twins sippy cups of warm milk and a piece of toast or a banana to snack on while I drink my coffee. Jason always makes me a cup of coffee, which he's done every day since we first met. It's the little things! The twins play and read books while I try to pull myself out of my sleep haze. I am not a morning person.
7:15 Shower
If Jason hasn’t left for work yet I jump in for a quick shower. I’m talking, summer camp quick.
7:30 Cartoons & Breakfast Prep
There is no such thing as making breakfast with twin toddlers in the kitchen, it’s nearly impossible…especially when I’ve only had ½ cup of coffee. So PBS Kids gets turned on and I sneak off to cook. It’s Thomas and Friend’s around this time and the twins are only semi interested. They play and check in on the status of breakfast regularly.
7:45 Breakfast
Cheesy scrambled eggs, fruit, and cinnamon raisin toast are normal. I love when I’ve prepped ahead of time and have chia pudding or overnight oats in the fridge. Those are beautiful mornings.
8:00 Sesame Street
This is usually cut into a bit by breakfast but the twins don’t really know the difference. They LIVE for the “Letter of the Day” song and Elmo’s World. At 8:30 the TV get’s turned off.
8:30 Time to Get Dressed
Chasing naked twins, wrestling, diaper changes, picking out outfits…all while the twins pull every article of clothing out of their dresser. Google twin videos of Mom’s getting nothing done on You-Tube…it’s just like that.
8:45 Playtime!
The twins play while I clean up breakfast (ha!) and pack up snacks, a small lunch like sandwiches, and water bottles for the day. I do my makeup, pack the diaper bag and locate socks.
10:00 Morning Snack
Recently I’ve been making the twins their daily green smoothies around this time but morning snack can also be fruit, cheese, and crackers.
10:30 Out The Door
Yes, it takes me THIS LONG to get us out the door on a normal day. Which is why, if I plan to meet you at the park in the morning, chances are I will be late. And our day begins!
So, what does your morning routine look like? Is it as crazy as mine? On Fridays I have a full work day and Jason takes the twins. He is usually out the door much earlier than I am but I like to think it’s mostly because he has me to locate the socks and help pack the snacks. Right?!
Now, let’s see what the mornings look like in these houses…
The Effortless Chic / Hey Mama / A Daily Something / The Fresh Exchange / Design Addict Mom
Oh Lovely Day / The Life Styled / Ave Styles / Parker Etc.