School is back in session and I'm sharing six back to school diffuser blends to keep your family healthy, focus, happy and more!
Six Back-to-School Diffuser Blends
One of the MAIN reasons I got started using Young Living Essential Oils was my desire to support my children's immune systems through all of the preschool germs. It felt like they were coming home with a cold every other week! I was also looking for a way to help them sleep more soundly. Now that we've incorporated essential oils into our daily routine, I can't imagine not having these oils! Today I'm sharing six back to school diffuser blends using Young Living oils that can help your school year.
Back-to-School Diffuser Blend No.1: Rise & Shine
This year will be our first school year with a traditional morning start time, yikes! As soon as the coffee gets poured, it's time to get this diffuser blend puffing. Orange, peppermint and lemon are happy, uplifting and energizing when diffused together. You'll want this diffusing near the breakfast table.
Back-to-School Oils Special
Before I continue with the rest of our diffuser blends, I have a special back to school oils offer for my Freutcake readers. Many of you already use Young Living Oils and I think that's amazing! If you don't use Young Living currently and have been interested in getting started with oils, I have a special offer for you. Purchase your oils starter kit in August or September (back-to-school season) and receive these 10 Kiddo Rollers + the recipes to fill them as a gift from me! There is never a better time than fall to get started with oils. Wellness roller? Yes, please! Belly Blend for before school butterflies, Happy Kiddo for mood support, Focus Roller for long homework nights...there are so many ways these oils can support your family. Not to mention the really amazing fall diffuser blends, bring on all the cinnamon bark and nutmeg!
Healthy Kiddo Roller
During school season, we use our healthy kiddo roller on the twins feet and spine morning and night. The combination of Thieves, Lemon and Frankincense make one powerful immune support blend and the best part, all three of these oils come in your starter kit! I wrote an entire post on the starter kit HERE if you would like more info or comment on this post and I can contact you personally. Now, back to diffuser blends....
Back-to-School Diffuser Blend No.2: Well Rested
We all know how important it is to get a good night's sleep, especially on a school night! This is one of my favorite diffuser blends because it helps everyone in our house slip right off to sleep! Cedarwood and Lavender are the classic sleep blend but adding in a drop of Vetiver really helps quiet busy minds.
Back-to-School Diffuser Blend No. 3 & 4: Smarty Pants & Homework Helper
Did you know that diffusing rosemary essential oil actually helps to stimulate memory function? These blends would both be great to diffuse after school by the homework station. Homework Helper would be a great if your child is studying for a test and need some extra help focusing thanks to the Rosemary and Vetiver.
Who doesn't need help in the wellness department when school and fall germs strike? I know we do in my house. Aside from our Healthy Kiddo Wellness Roller, we also take Young Living vitamins and probiotics. If you want more info on this, feel free to email me. Next up, an immune boosting diffuser blend you will need all fall and winter long.
Back-to-School Diffuser Blend No. 5: Perfect Attendance
Perfect attendance? Wouldn't that be nice?! Thieves is probably our most well know oil and for good reason. It's a combination of essential oils that were used by the thieves who robbed the bodies of the dead during the black plague. (Hence the name.) These robbers would soak their handkerchief in these oils to prevent contracting the plague. Sound pretty powerful? It is! RC is for respiratory system support and lemon is another immune boosting oil. I love adding a drop or two of Lemon to my water daily as well as Thieves to my tea when a scratchy throat hits.
Back-to-School Diffuser Blend No. 6: Happy Mama
Last but certainly not least, my happy Mama diffuser blend! We all need a little calm and happy when it comes to school stress. This blend smells A-MAZING and is a combination of three of my favorite oils for happy, calm vibes. You got this school year Mama! I also roll myself daily with Valor, Stress Away, and any other oils I might need for the day.
If you have been interested in getting started with essential oils, I would love to help you! You can email me right here with your questions or contact me on Instagram at @freutcakeessentials. Wishing you all a happy, and healthy school year! Want more essential oil ideas? Try our Calming Essential Oil Crayons DIY & read about our Bedtime Oils Routine.